Lisa S

This elusive Scorpio is one of the founding members of NOVA, bringing with her years of performance experience. The art of fire poi was introduced to her by a beautiful pixie while living in Victoria; she was instantly enchanted by the fire and never looked back. “I believe that magic is all around us and it feels good to be able to tap into that realm and present it to others.”

 Spinning skills: This elegant and dramatic beauty spins fire poi and wields flaming swords, fans and wands with pizazz.
Lisa H

As a small child, Lisa interpreted dance by spinning in circles, and she has been spinning ever since.
Having dabbled with the diabolo, devil sticks, and poi, she found her true flow connection with the hoop (the attraction due in part to it's circular nature). Lisa also has a love for dance: gypsy, tribal fusion, ATS, and folkloric middle eastern dance.  

(Member @ large) 
Travel down the rabbit hole with this funky hoop dancer! Alison started hooping at a Phish concert and she quickly became mesmerized by the spinning arts.  “Being in the center of the hoop is where I’m in the zone, where my mind can wander.  It’s meditative for me… I often visualize the mandala pattern that the hoop is creating as it spins around my body."  

Spinning Skills: Alison focuses on exploratory dance with her movements and includes fire fingers, fans, wands, sword and poi as part of her repertoire.  

 The indominatible Boss'o'NOVA, this effervescent goddess is a technical whiz. When you don't see Kerry onstage, she's most likely building props or sewing costumes.
She likes to live by the Four Agreements, especially "Always do your best."

Spinning Skills: Bold and dynamic poi, ropes, staff, fans and wands spun with
sparkling precision.

Creative visionary, costume designer and creator of the popular Hula Hoopla! dance fitness fusion course, Tracey delights in bringing new ideas to life.
"The hoop becomes my dance partner; the fire becomes another character in the show as we all find the thrill of being in the flow, spinning from the center and connecting with each other."

Spinning Skills: Graceful and fluid hoop, poi and staff, wands, fans and fire fingers with an earthy bellydancer's flair.